hyperparameter_hunter.callbacks.wranglers package


hyperparameter_hunter.callbacks.wranglers.input_wranglers module

hyperparameter_hunter.callbacks.wranglers.predictors module

hyperparameter_hunter.callbacks.wranglers.target_wranglers module

Module contents

This module contains the final implementations of the three types of BaseWranglerCallback descendants. The callbacks defined herein act as liaisons between the experiment and its datasets (the datasets’ data chunks). Each callback in the module is expected to be responsible for a specific descendant of hyperparameter_hunter.data.data_core.BaseDataChunk, which can be seen from the type annotation at the forefront of each callback class for its “data”-prefixed attribute

Each callback in the module is actually pulling its dataset (and the appropriate data chunk) from the experiment via its four dataset attributes:

  • data_train: TrainDataset

  • data_oof: OOFDataset

  • data_holdout: HoldoutDataset

  • data_test: TestDataset

Specifically, each callback herein is responsible for the data chunk denoted by the name of that callback’s immediate parent callback, which is one of the following: